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Kappadokien – Land der Höhlenkirchen und Vulkane   [Other Title]

Cappadocia - Land of Rock-cut Churches and Volcanoes   [Title Translation]
Year of origin: n/a
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: n/a

Author: Jürgen Süß
  Andus Emge
Flash: Anh Dai Nguyen
First released by: MediaCultura - Jürgen Süß (Brühl)
Screendesign: Sandra Eberl
Distributor: IWF (Göttingen)
Sound: Gottfried Säftel
Programming: Jürgen Hinderer
Production company: MediaCultura - Jürgen Süß (Brühl)

Schlagwörter: Anatolien, Göreme, Höhlenkirchen, Höhlenwohnungen, Kappadokien, Tuffsteinlandschaft, UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe, Vulkane, Anatolia, Cappadocia, Göreme, rock-cut church, tuff, UNESCO World Heritage, vulcanoes
With a lot of interactive panoramic views, photographs, video clips, sounds, and scientificially founded background information on the area, this CD will lead you right into the history and culture of Cappadocia: from the early Neolithic times, Bronze Age, and antiquity till the Byzantine, Seljuk, and Ottoman period until today: the National Park of Göreme-Cappadocia, world heritage since 1985, and the traditionally living people of Central Anatolia and their oriental customs.

Version 1
Sprache: deu, eng
Ton: n/a
Bildformat: n/a
Dauer: n/a

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