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Ledce-Šternberk   [Assigned Title]

Ledce-Šternberk   [Assigned Title]
Land: Czech Republic
Produktionsjahr: 1933
Genre: Documentary Film
Drehort: Šternberk u Kladna:sociální ústav, Šternberk u Kladna:Tůmův pramen

Himself: Tůma Antonín
Production company: Novák Jan

Schlagwörter: brambory loupání, chleba pečení, den dětský, děti ve škole, dílna knihařská, dílna košíkářská, dílna krejčovská, dílna truhlářská, drůbež, hry dětské, jídelna, kapela v průvodu, koně, kosa, košíky pletení, koupaliště, kráva dojení ruční, krávy, křest pramene, kroje lidové, mládež narušená, mlátička, oběd v jídelně, okopávání školního pozemku, orání na školním pozemku, orchestr školní, ovce, pavilon lázeňský, péče sociální, potah koňský, práce na zahradě, práce v dílnách, pramen minerální, prasata, průvod maškarní, průvod slavnostní, rytí na školním pozemku, sklizeň obilí, srnec, tance lidové, úklid pokojů, úprava cesty v parku, ústav sociální pro mládež, vychovatelé, žně, backing of bread, band in a parade, basket-making workshop, bookbinder's workshop, cabinetmaker's workshop, ceremonial parade, children at school, children's day, children's games, christening a spring, cleaning of rooms, cows, crooked youth, digging school patches, dining room, educationists, finish of road in park, folk costumes, folk dances, harvest, harvest corn, hoeing school patches, horse-drawn wagon, Horses, lunch in a dining room, manual cow milking, masquerade parade, mineral spring, peeling potatoes, Pigs, ploughing at school patches, poultry, roebuck, school orchestra, scythe, Sheep, social care, spa pavilion, swimming pool, tailor's workshop, thresher, weaving baskets, work in the garden, work in workshops, youth social institute
In the community of Ledce nearby the town of Kladno there used to be health resort Šternberk. Later on, the premises were transformed into a social institute for crooked youth. The authors of the film show us how the children lives here. After the morning cleaning they leave for the school where within the framework of education they are engaged in working in a bookbinder's, cabinetmaker's, basket-making and tailor's workshop. After lunch served in a large institutional dining room, inmates go in for amusement and games. The premises feature a swimming pool too. Among the institute inmates' duties belongs working at the school patches, in a farmyard and in a bakery. The social institute is thus totally independent. The commentary urges those parents who are not able to fully devote themselves to their children to commend them to the care of the local educators. - On June 25, 1932 a children's day took place in Šternberk organized by Zemské ústředí péče o mládež (Youth Care Regional Centre). Within the framework of the 5th anniversary celebrations of the establishment of the institute, a summer home was opened in Jerman House. In the attendance of social worker JUDr. Antonín Tůma, the local mineral spring was re-opened. Children in folk costumes presented demonstrations of folk dances. The course of the celebrations climaxed with a masquerade parade.

Version 1
Sprache: n/a
Ton: Silent film
Bildformat: 1:1,33
Dauer: n/a

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