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Nel grembo dei fiumi   [Original Title]

Deep in the River   [Title Translation]
Nazione: Italy
Anno di produzione: 1954
Genere: Documentary
Location: n/a

Director: Sergio Barbonese
Supervision: Pietro Troisi
Production company: Corona Cinematografica
Editing: Pino Giomini
Director of photography: Vittorio Abbati
Music: Canzio Allegriti

The documentary shows the life and variety of fish deep in the river. All species of fish can be found there in a constantly changing medley of colors and light: catfish, terrapins and many others.

Version 1
Lingua: ita
Suono: Sound film
Mascherino: 1:1,37
Durata: 10'

» Complete Film
Lunghezza 287 m Request Copy Button
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Diritti Cineteca di Bologna
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