Βρίσκεστε εδώ: Αρχική Σελίδα


MFI 375   [Original title]

Χώρα: Hungary
Έτος παραγωγής: 1931
Είδος: Newsreel
Τόπος: n/a

Production Company: Magyar Filmiroda Rt.

  • hun
  • eng
Released by the Hungarian Film Bureau Ltd.
VIII., Fhg.
Sándor u. 7.
The Count Géza Andrássy cross-country ride, organized by the National Horse Riding Society, was watched by a crowd of 20 thousand.
{Horse race, cross-country riding, steeplechase
Miklós Horthy at the tournament}
The race of 27 km, aggravated by 26 obstacles, was won by Ica Fáy Halász and Dezso Németh.
{The two winners with the cup}
For the first time the Front Fighters' Association inaugurated a flag in Budapest.
{Solemn inauguration of the flag,
Front fighters' guard of honour}
In the presence of mayor dr. Sipocz, the new rooms of the Metropolitan Library were opened in the Wenckheim Palace.
{Guests leaving the building of the Metropolitan Library
Mayor Jeno Sipocz
The interior of the library, sculpture
Reading room with readers}
This year's national fencing championship was held in the aula of the TechnologicalUniversity. It was won by the European champion György Piller.
The wedding of the count of Paris, son of Duke Guise, claimant to the French Throne, with Duchess Isabella of Orleans, in Palermo.
{Church in Palermo
Wedding ceremony in the church, wedding guests}
Pictures from the match Kehrling-Crochet, won by the French world champion.
{Tennis match before an audience
(Kehrling) Cochet after the match}
The End

Version 1
Γλώσσα: n/a
Ήχος: Silent film
Αναλογία κάδρου: n/a
Διάρκεια: n/a

Μήκος Κόπιας: 152 m Request Copy Button
Αίτηση αντιγράφου
Τύπος κόπιας: Positive
Βάση του φιλμ: Acetate
Πληροφορίες για τα Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα Hungarian National Film Archive, Budapest
Πληροφορίες Δικαιωμάτων Η ταινία μπορεί να χορηγηθεί με άδεια