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Hafen   [Original Title]

Country of Origin: Germany
Year of origin: 1939
Genre: Educational film
Locations of shooting: Hamburg

Director: Wolf Hart
Production manager: Albert Pestalozza
Script: Wolf Hart
022: Rudolf Kinau
Camera operator: Wolf Hart
Music: Ernst Erich Buder
170: Aline Bußmann
171: Knut Hartig
172: Kurt Felden
173: Wilhelm Tholen
174: Herbert Wilk
175: Otto Schröder

Keywords: Erziehung/Bildung (Außerschulische Erziehung und Bildung; Berufsbildung; usw. - s. Synonyme), Hafen, Hafenbetrieb, Hamburg, DtR, Handel, Schiffsbesatzung, Seeschiffsverkehr (Hochseeschiffahrt)
Demonstration of several jobs at the docks integrated in a story line, in which a young man who is not successful as a fisherman, becomes dock worker, deckhand on a tugboat and eventually captain of a tugboat.

Version 1
Language: deu
Sound: n/a
Aspect: n/a
Duration: n/a

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