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Nasjonalbiblioteket (NB)

The National Library of Norway is responsible for collecting, preserving and restoring the Norwegian film heritage in order to make it available for research and documentation. Its collections include more than 21.000 titles of different formats, genres and origins.

The National Library of Norway is a multimedia library with nearly 400 employees of which more than 30 are in charge of the library’s film collections. As the legal deposit center for all published documents in Norway, irrespective of media, The National Library receives copies of all Norwegian films, videos and television programmes. Its collections also comprise copies of many foreign films distributed in Norway, and the library is actively collecting foreign films related to Norwegians and Norway. The National Library also has an important collection of documents (posters, stills, scripts, censorship cards, etc.) related to films distributed in Norway.

The National Library of Norway is located in Mo i Rana and in Oslo. The main storage facilities are in Mo i Rana, as well as laboratories for analogue restoration and digitizing of film. The film documentation collection is located in Oslo, as well as a Mediatheque comprising a library with film related literature and digital viewing facilities for film and television.

The National Library is providing copies of historical films to the Cinematheques in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, and Tromsø, as well as to national and international film festivals. It cooperates with the Norwegian film institute in publishing DVDs of important titles from the Norwegian film heritage.